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Sunday, 11 March 2012

London Ontario Goes Unleashed.

When Jennifer Watts gets excited about something, there is no way of stopping her. We were so lucky that she got excited about APAC-Varadero.

While in Cuba Jennifer met Lynn Wodzak, our dear friend, who introduced Jennifer to our work and efforts. Immediately, the idea of a benefit concert was born. Jennifer comes from a musical background. Her family owns and runs a place called The Music Box where young artists have a chance to present their talents to the public. Jennifer works for a radio station and has a big network of friends. Always on the move, outspoken and energetic, Jennifer did not waste her time. Upon return to Canada she started putting things together.

Before we knew it, a website was created as well as a  Facebook event page were all plans for the big night got posted. Jennifer's enthusiasm and charisma attracted several volunteers for the Unleashed Benefit concert. Sarah Smith, Kill Effect and Sam Taylor agreed to perform on March 2, 2012; several local businesses offered great door prizes, including a set of diamond earrings. 

Unleashed Volunteers 

Jennifer's family donated food and coffee for the event, and drinks were made to warm the audience up.
Lynn set up the display about APAC-Varadero. Everything was ready...
Sarah Smith performing for the Unleashed Benefit
The Music Box was full on the evening of March 2nd. The atmosphere was great - music, games, several door prizes, old and new friends having fun together, and above all - knowing the noble cause of this gathering - created a night to remember. Thanks to the efforts of Jennifer,  Lynn and other volunteers (Courtney Snippe, Tammy, Hilary Hogarth, Amber, Vanessa Ward and Clara Cormier) a substantial  amount of money was raised for our organization. We can now buy more equipment, tools and medications to help Cuban animals.

The Music Box was full

The most special door prize - the canvas bag made by Ingrid out of recycled pieces of fabric.
THANK YOU ALL - those who put the event together and those who came to support it. As Jennifer said: "Let's do it all again soon!"

"It is a faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes a life worth living"
Oliver W. Holmes

Friday, 9 March 2012

Profile of the Month, March 2012 - 'Ruso'

Dr. Slavik Zenkov
“My name is Viacheslav Zenkov. I was born in Kyrgyzstan in 1986. When I was still little,  my mom got married to a Cuban student and they decided to come live in Cuba. So my mom brought me to Cuba when I was 3 years old, and we have been living in Cuba since.

My mom also gave me a surprise few months after we started our new life. She gave me a pretty sister - Teresa Valentina. Teresa is studying medicine. She is a very good student, in her fourth year now. My mom Liudmila, a forever literature lover, works at the Municipal Library and she is taking courses in Social Studies.

We first lived in a very small town named 
San Luis.  The town was surrounded by farms, and I liked to help with newborn animals. I still remember feeding some chicks, kittens and pups...
No wonder that after primary school I went to study a veterinary technology. After finishing a four-year program, I went to Havana where, after five years, I got a degree in veterinary medicine.
While working at Cardenas Municipal clinic as a sanitary inspector, I had heard about very interesting new group of people working for the animals protection and I decided to join them.  The group had veterinarians and other volunteers, and they organized spay-neuter clinics. I got involved, and helping stray animals became my passion.  My lovely wife, Ingrid, shares my interests, and together we educate pet owners, help stray animals, and rescue several homeless dogs and cats by finding them new homes.

In my free time, or whatever is left of it, I play soccer, go dancing, or take care of my collections of cacti.

My identity has always been my dilemma. I am Russian by blood, birth, name, and looks but also Cuban by language, thoughts, friends, my life, and love for Cuba. All my friends and neighbours call me 'Ruso' ..."